CRM, CMS, and Database Migrations

CRM, CMS, and Database Migrations

Is it time to switch to better technology, but you aren’t sure where to begin? Concerted Action is the industry leader when it comes to migrations and support, and no one else has our level of expertise when it comes to the digital tools that are built for organizing. We can help your organizers and volunteers set up and make the best use of Action Network, Action Builder, Broadstripes, EveryAction, NPG Van, UnionHall, WordPress, ThruText, and many more. 

Audit and Evaluate

  • Discovery process incorporates input from every level of your organization
  • Comprehensive audit approach identifies both what is and is not currently working
  • Reporting includes clear, research-based recommendations for how to move forward


Improve Existing Tech

  • Workflows adjustments and automations make better use of the tools you already have
  • Data clean up with setup of tags and custom fields ensures that all of your information is accessible as needed 
  • Platform integrations and syncing mean you can spend more time on other tasks


MigratE With ease

  • Concerted Action does all of the heavy lifting to migrate to your new CRM, CMS or database
  • Regular check ins and custom migration worksheet keeps your move on schedule
  • Includes robust training on new tools with additional recurring support available through Organizers Helpdesk

Take Our Tech Survey

At Concerted Action, we pride ourselves on meeting the changing technical needs of dynamic labor and economic justice movements.

Your response to this survey will help us continue to provide the most relevant technical support for unions and advocacy organizations.