
Support and Customization for Digital Organizing Tools

Our one-of-a-kind Organizers Helpdesk program allows you to stay focused on your organizing and communication goals, while we handle the technology. Helpdesk plans include production support for emails, SMS, webpages and social media; troubleshooting for all of your organizing technologies; and ongoing training for your staff, volunteers and members of every skill level. Most importantly, the Organizers Helpdesk is your technology partner. We work for you as part of your organizing team. Even vendors with the best support have, at best, an outsider’s understanding of your organization, and can’t offer hands-on support or custom integrations across different digital tools that we can provide. 

Organizing and Advocacy

You’re building a movement, and we’ll help you translate online interest into real world action. Concerted Action can manage online event registrations for complex national campaigns with very specific local event details. We’ll set up your digital union authorization card so that it is both legally compliant and stores new organizing data accurately and accessibly. Whether you need SMS outreach, support to create petitions and letter writing campaigns, or even a comprehensive digital campaign plan, our team of experts will help your campaign succeed. 


Organizing and Advocacy

CRM, CMS, and Database Migrations

Is it time to switch to better technology, but you aren’t sure where to begin? Concerted Action is the industry leader when it comes to migrations and support, and no one else has our level of expertise when it comes to the digital tools that are built for organizing. We can help your organizers and volunteers set up and make the best use of Action Network, Action Builder, Broadstripes, EveryAction, NPG Van, UnionHall, WordPress, ThruText, and many more. 

CRM, CMS, and Database Migrations

Lead Generation and Relationship Management

Our team of experienced digital organizers will help you find and inspire your supporters, turning them into dedicated and lasting connections. We’ll work with your organization to acquire lists, design effective intake forms and actions, run targeted digital ads, and ensure that the data that you acquire for new leads is accurately assessed and stored properly using logical tags and custom fields in your database of choice. 

Online Community-Building

We build communities around the issues that are key to your union or progressive organization, with your goals always in mind. Whether you need help building automated email or text messaging ladders, managing your organic content across social media platforms, running an engaging email program or updating your website to make your member experience better, Concerted Action can create content that keeps your activists connected and focused on shared values.